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Easy Keto No Bake Desserts

While summer might be perfect for running through sprinklers with the kids, we're not excited to heat up the oven every time we want something sweet. That's why we've put together this awesome round-up of Keto No Bake Desserts. These delicious, sugar free treats are totally keto friendly, so there's no sweating over macros here!

These recipes aren't just no bake, they're a great way to get creative. You can mix and match syrups and chocolate to delight your taste buds! Whether its strawberry chip yogurt pops or decorating the spring baskets with the kids, you can make these no bake recipes a cool summer activity.


Keto Yogurt Popsicles

Keto Chocolate Chip Yogurt Pops

We love to add chocolate to pretty much everything, so these yogurt pops were the perfect place to stick our keto milk chocolate chips. The best thing about this recipe (besides chocolate) is you can flavor these pops with your favorite ChocZero syrup. Banana, mango, and beyond!  

Get the recipe for Keto Yogurt Popsicles


Sugar Free Spring Baskets

Sugar Free Spring Baskets

If the kids are starting to get restless, you know it's time to come up with a fun project. The best ones are the kind you can eat once you're done! These sugar free baskets are a great way to let your creativity shine and they're so easy to put together. Just add a little whipped cream, berries, and even some more chocolate

Get the recipe for Sugar Free Spring Baskets


Best Keto Yogurt Parfait

Best Keto Yogurt Parfait

Yogurt parfaits are the perfect summer snack. They're cool, fruity, and take no time at all to make. We could look at those layers of strawberries, Greek yogurt and chocolate chips all day, but it's actually more fun to eat! This is one of those recipes where you can substitute your favorite syrup (like our sugar free caramel) to make it uniquely your own.

Get the recipe for Best Keto Yogurt Parfait


5-Ingredient Keto Cheesecake Bites

5-Ingredient Keto Cheesecake Bites

Have a keto fat bomb that's also the perfect bite of cheesecake! The crunch of the chocolate shell into smooth, creamy cheesecake makes this a decadent dessert that can fit into your lifestyle. Make them in advance so you have a little sweetness waiting for you all week long.

Get the recipe for Cheesecake Bites


Homemade Sugar Free Mint Chip Ice Cream

Homemade Sugar Free Mint Chip Ice Cream

We couldn't do a round-up of no bake keto desserts in summer without including a delicious, homemade ice cream! This Mint Chip Ice Cream uses real mint and our dark chocolate baking chips and is so refreshing on a hot day. It's just like getting a scoop at the local creamery, except it's sugar free!

 Get the recipe for Sugar Free Mint Chip Ice Cream


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