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Keto Caramel Apple Cheesecake Pops

These low carb cheesecake pops will make you feel like you're walking around a fall festival with a shiny caramel apple in your hand.

Pumpkin isn't the only star of the show this season! We're all about bobbing for apples and baking pie with grandma, so why not give apple a little love? These cheesecake pops will make you feel like you're walking around a fall festival with a shiny caramel apple in your hand. The creamy center and crispness of the apple tastes so good with a little bit of our sugar free caramel syrup drizzled on top. 

This recipe comes to us from Anna Boyd over at @baconbutterbourbon! She's all about finding decadent and fun recipes that are still keto friendly. Check her out for some other great seasonal treats.


Keto Caramel Apple Cheesecake Pops

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Keto Caramel Apple Cheesecake Pops

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