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Keto Grasshopper Martini

When you're going to raise a glass, make it a good one. We've got a special recipe to make sure you're ready to celebrate in style!

Our Keto Grasshopper Martini is a minty and chocolatey delight that uses our special keto white chocolate liqueur and adds a dash of Irish whiskey. Garnish it with any ChocZero chocolate goodies you like, but we highly recommend topping it with a dreamy creamy peppermint white chocolate square and a drizzle of our chocolate syrup!

This amazingly decadent cocktail was developed by the genius drink developers at Keto + Booze (@boozyketones on instagram!)

Cut the carbs but keep the cocktails? We'll drink to that!


Keto Grasshopper Martini

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Keto Grasshopper Martini

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