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Keto Animal Cookie Truffles

Keto Animal Cookie Truffles will give you circus animal cookie nostalgia while being low carb!

We may never recover from the cuteness & nostalgia of animal circus cookies, but thankfully we don't have to with these Keto Animal Cookie Truffles! Between the rainbow sprinkles and beautiful pink and white chocolate coating, these cookie truffles pops will give you all the feels! These creamy center is coated with our beautifully melted white chocolate chips that will be hard not to pop into your mouth before they are fully chilled!

This recipe comes to us from Anna Boyd over at @baconbutterbourbon! She's all about finding decadent and fun recipes that are still keto friendly. Check her out for some other great seasonal treats.


Keto Animal Cookie Truffles

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Keto Animal Cookie Truffles

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