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Low Carb Banana Bread That Satisfies Cravings

This Comforting Keto Banana Bread will trick your taste buds--it's low in net carbs and will keep you feeling full and happy.

Banana bread is the number one comfort food recipe for quarantine. Unfortunately, the use of bananas and flour means that traditional banana bread isn't exactly low carb.

This Comforting Low Carb Banana Bread comes to the rescue. A delicious keto-friendly bake that will  trick your taste buds--and keep you low in net carbs. It's the ultimate comfort food for a day when only a baked good, a hot beverage, and a good book can soothe your soul.

Annie from KetoFocus has come up with a keto spin on banana bread with walnuts and our Chocolate Chips for an extra dash of joy.


Low Carb Banana Bread That Satisfies Cravings

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Low Carb Banana Bread That Satisfies Cravings

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