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Easy Keto Mini Dessert Charcuterie Board

Charcuterie is king when it comes to grazing and mini dessert charcuterie boards are the latest and greatest for a simple sweet tooth snack!

This easy dessert board recipe is brought to us by the talented Annie from Keto Focus who shows us some fun ideas to make the perfect mini dessert board for either an afternoon snack or a midnight treat! Using some of our Keto Barks, Keto Squares or Keto Peanut Butter Cups alongside the nuts and seeds of your picking. Add a bowl of our melted chocolate chips or some of our chocolate hazelnut spread to dip in your favorite berries.

What we love most is the customization and simplicity of dessert charcuterie boards. It's the perfect snack to whip up on short notice or a fun option to indulge on a spread of your favorite keto snacks.


Easy Keto Mini Dessert Charcuterie Board

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Easy Keto Mini Dessert Charcuterie Board

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