📦 Free shipping $34.99+ 📦


Your order will ship from our chocolate factory & warehouse in sunny California. We're a small, family owned business, so our orders only ship Monday - Thursday. This means if you place an order on or after Thursday, you will see them in transit by the middle of the next week.

To ensure quick deliveries and no delays, we process orders as they are placed. Please email support@choczero.com as soon as possible if you notice an error in the information you gave us. We'll try our best to update your order if it hasn't shipped yet, so a speedy email is your best chance for resolution!

Unfortunately if a label has printed, we're unable to make changes. You will have to use FedEx or USPS depending on what service it shipped with to arrange alternative deliveries once your shipment has a tracking number, as we can no longer adjust it after this period.

Orders are not able to be adjusted after they are placed. If your order has not been processed yet and does not have a tracking number, we are able to cancel your order for you so you can make adjustments and order again. If you forgot to include a discount code, we are happy to adjust the difference through customer support--just reach out to our team!

We offer free shipping for orders over $35+ at this time and do not offer overnight shipping. If you find yourself needing an order within a very specific time frame, we are available on Amazon Prime on the ChocZero Amazon store where we have same-day and overnight delivery on many products.

We got you covered, don't worry!

If you're experiencing warm weather, please put your order in the fridge for a few hours to cool off. Oftentimes a quick trip to the fridge can keep your chocolate just as tasty as before. After they've had a chance to firm up, take a peak and do a taste test! If they're still not up to your expectations, reach out to support@choczero.com so we can make it right!

If your order came damaged, we're so sorry. We do our best to pack orders, but sometimes shipping accidents happen.

Please reach out to support@choczero.com with a description of what items are damaged--attaching photos always helps us get to the bottom of the issue quicker, so do that if you can too! We'll be happy to make it right.

For any other order issues, please reach out to support@choczero.com. We're happy to make it right and stand by our 100% Customer Happiness policy for any reason--yes, even if a porch pirate nabs it!

Please reach out to support@choczero.com with details of your issue so we can figure out how that happened. We know it's a bummer when something doesn't come perfectly, and we will definitely work with you to make it right. Sorry and thanks for giving us a chance to fix it!


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