Resistant dextrin, also known as soluble corn fiber, is a prebiotic fiber that’s made out of the husks and fiber of vegetables. Resistant dextrin is different from maltodextrin. Maltodextrin is a starch that behaves more like a sugar in the body and can raise glucose levels while resistant dextrin is a fiber that’s proven in studies to help control glycemic levels.
Since it’s easy to get these two ingredients mixed up based on their names alone, this article will explain why they’re different and why we use prebiotic fiber in our products. Let’s start with the good news: Non-GMO resistant dextrin is a plant-based fiber that cannot be absorbed by the body. This means it generally has a low impact on blood sugar levels and can be a positive inclusion to any diet. Prebiotic fiber can help improve your gut, help you regulate your glucose levels, and keep you full longer. It’s an amazing addition to our keto friendly snacks as it can help you get your recommended amount of fiber per day and help you feel full until bedtime.
So, what is maltodextrin and why is it an ingredient to keep an eye out for?
Maltodextrin is an easily digestible starch that can be absorbed as quickly as sugar, so it’s not good for diabetics or anyone with celiac disease. It can also damage your gut health and immune system. This ingredient is considered high on the glycemic index, so anyone sugar conscious should avoid it [1]. This sneaky ingredient can be found in sugar free candy and protein shakes, so it’s important to watch out for it.
Folks sometimes see the word “dextrin” and believe that it simply means maltodextrin. There are many types of dextrin, however. Soluble fiber is a resistant dextrin, which means it has low glycemic index and isn’t absorbed by the body. It’s a prebiotic fiber, which means it actually supports the probiotics in your body. It can help your body work more efficiently and support your immune system. We believe this ingredient is essential for anyone looking to improve their lifestyle by getting more fiber in their diet and less sugar. ChocZero’s products contain this prebiotic fiber because we believe it helps you stay fuller longer helping you snack less.
Below we’ll answer more questions about our soluble fiber resistant dextrin. We’ll also go over some sneaky ingredients to watch out for, such as soluble tapioca IMO and maltodextrin. Fiber can sometimes be difficult to fit into your diet, so being able to hit your fiber markers by eating delicious chocolate is what we believe in!
Jump to article sections:
- What is non-GMO resistant dextrin?
- Why is prebiotic fiber good for you?
- What’s the difference between soluble tapioca IMO and soluble corn fiber?
- Is dextrin the same as resistant dextrin?
- Does prebiotic fiber affect blood sugar?
- Can prebiotic fiber help you feel full?
- Is resistant dextrin the same as maltodextrin?
What is resistant dextrin?
Non-GMO resistant dextrin is a prebiotic fiber made out of vegetable husks that is keto approved and gluten free. It cannot be absorbed by the body, so it has a low glycemic index and can improve gut health. Non-GMO resistant dextrin is perfect for folks who are on a healthy lifestyle journey who want to feel full longer and regulate their blood sugar levels.

Why is prebiotic fiber good for you?
Prebiotic fiber is good for you because it can help you feel full, improve gut health and regulate your blood sugar levels. Soluble corn fiber is also shown in studies to lower cholesterol and can reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies show that most Americans don’t have enough fiber in their diet, so to be able to get it through sugar free chocolate is perfect for any lifestyle.
What’s the difference between soluble tapioca IMO and soluble corn fiber?
While some companies will try to claim that soluble tapioca IMO is fiber, it’s actually made out of starch. Starch can greatly affect blood glucose levels and is not friendly to diabetics. Soluble corn fiber is made out of the fiber of vegetables, usually the husk, and cannot be absorbed by the body.
That means while soluble tapioca IMO is full of carbohydrates that can kick you out of keto, soluble corn fiber is not and will have no impact on blood sugar levels [2]. If you’re thinking that this isn’t fair and that soluble tapioca IMO (Isomaltooligosaccharide) shouldn’t be called a fiber anymore, the FDA agrees! The good news is that this ingredient must be classified as a carbohydrate, so nutrition labels can be a little more accurate.
The FDA has ruled that tapioca IMO (Isomaltooligosaccharide) must be counted as a carbohydrate and can no longer be cited as fiber. That means there will be less confusion, which is great for reading labels and understanding what goes into the food you eat. ChocZero has never used starch and we stand by our promise to stay away from sneaky ingredients that can have an impact on your lifestyle.

Is dextrin the same as resistant dextrin?
Dextrin is not the same as resistant dextrin. Dextrin is made with starch and resistant dextrin is made with plant fiber. They are different ingredients as one is soluble corn fiber while the other is a starch like sugar.
Does prebiotic fiber affect blood sugar?
Prebiotic fiber cannot be absorbed by the body, therefore it usually will not raise blood sugar in the body. Prebiotic fiber has been known to not only make you feel fuller, it can actually help your body regulate its glucose levels [3]. Diabetic patients who eat prebiotic fiber have found that it’s easier for them to maintain a steady glucose level than without it in numerous studies. Of course, fiber doesn’t work for some people, so we always suggest you ask your doctor when adding a new product to your diet. We are not made to treat medical conditions after all!

Can prebiotic fiber help you feel full?
Yes, since prebiotic fiber cannot be absorbed by the body, it helps keep you feeling full. That’s why we love having it included in our chocolate, as it makes dessert more substantial and functional. We are also the only company that’s added prebiotic fiber to our sugar free coffee syrups, which means you can start your day with a healthy dose of fiber!
Is resistant dextrin the same as maltodextrin?
Maltodextrin and resistant dextrin are different. While maltodextrin is made from starch, resistant dextrin is made from corn husk fiber. Maltodextrin is high in net carbs while resistant dextrin is low on net carbs. It can actually help you regulate your glucose levels, so your energy can stay stable throughout the day.
[1] The Role of Soluble Corn Fiber on Glycemic and Insulin Response