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We Restock Every Friday at 5PM PST

February 20th, 2019

Supply and demand is a burgeoning problem for us at ChocZero. We are launching in a prominent grocery chain at the end of February and we have several best selling products on Amazon. We've outgrown our factory's small size and are still looking to locate to a new one this year or next. Due to these constraints, we are currently working overtime from our small factory where all our products are made on-site.

That's why we're happy to announce we've come up with a solution to make product more available for www.choczero.com. Every Friday at 5PM PST (8PM EST), we restock our store with all our excess product for the week. This way we have an exact amount and it comes in all at once, so people can place larger orders to take advantage of our free shipping at $35+ on our store.

From now on, every Friday at 5PM PST we'll be stocking up on various bark flavors; syrups; and even our chocolate squares. If products are low on Thursday, rest assured Friday will come bearing more product to purchase!

Thanks for your patronage and patience as we continue to grow.


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