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The Best Keto Recipe For An Easy Neapolitan Cake

The Best Keto Neapolitan Cake made with three layers of dessert chaffles and topped with white chocolate cream cheese frosting.

We've always heard good things come in threes and that couldn't be more true for this layered Keto Neapolitan Cake

If you're looking for a dessert chaffle that is sure to impress, Annie from KetoFocus has got your back with this stunning layered Neapolitan cake. Using our chocolate syrup & strawberry syrup to make three tasty layers of vanilla, chocolate & strawberry chaffles, this is the perfect dessert choice for two!

This cake wouldn't be complete without sugar free white chocolate cream cheese frosting made with our white chocolate chips and decorated to wow just about anyone. Not only does this Neapolitan chaffle cake taste like a traditional Italian dessert, but it is ready in no time, leaving more time to enjoy each luxurious bite.


The Best Keto Recipe For An Easy Neapolitan Cake

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The Best Keto Recipe For An Easy Neapolitan Cake

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